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We provide free shipping service all over the world.
We will dispatch the products within 3 business days upon the system to confirm your order.
You should receive an email confirming your order shortly after you've placed it. If you do not receive any emails from us, please check your spam folder and see if you can locate it. This is especially important because, if you haven't received the order confirmation email, you also won't receive the email with your shipment notification and tracking information.
The items (domestic or international orders) will take different time to be processed and delivered to different countries.
For the item that is shipped from the USA warehouse, you will be received it about 5-7 days if you are in the USA.
And for the item that is shipped from the China warehouse, it will take an estimated 12-20 days if you are in the USA, and it will be 20-40 days if you are in Europe, other countries will be 20-60 days.
If you didn't receive your product within 60 days, we guarantee to refund your payment.
We hope it arrives on time but since this is an international delivery, shipping time will be highly depended on the courier company and local customs/duties. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any further questions on the delivery time of your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We provide free shipping service all over the world.
We will dispatch the products within 3 business days upon the system to confirm your order.
You should receive an email confirming your order shortly after you've placed it. If you do not receive any emails from us, please check your spam folder and see if you can locate it. This is especially important because, if you haven't received the order confirmation email, you also won't receive the email with your shipment notification and tracking information.
The items (domestic or international orders) will take different time to be processed and delivered to different countries.
For the item that is shipped from the USA warehouse, you will be received it about 5-7 days if you are in the USA.
And for the item that is shipped from the China warehouse, it will take an estimated 12-20 days if you are in the USA, and it will be 20-40 days if you are in Europe, other countries will be 20-60 days.
If you didn't receive your product within 60 days, we guarantee to refund your payment.
We hope it arrives on time but since this is an international delivery, shipping time will be highly depended on the courier company and local customs/duties. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any further questions on the delivery time of your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at